Tag Archives: emotional wellness

We’ve come this far by faith- How to recession proof your faith!

I dedicate this posting to my African-American ancestors that were able to accomplish so much with so little.  When you look at the foundation of their existence and their WHY they had to struggle to make this world in which we live a better place for everyone, it was all about FAITH! 

Faith, a total reliance on something that they could not see but a deep gratifying knowing that it was there and working behind the scenes so that the inner most dreams and desires would be realized.  Today, I think we over complicate faith to the point that we no longer understand it and when we have to rely on faith to get us through day-by-day it causes emotional imbalance and fear.  My husband was sharing with me the other day how a man that he was transporting home was so shaken up and confused because he had lost everything.  He was shaken to the point that my husband had to help him get his key into the door of his home.  At first, pity came upon me and I could tell from the way my husband was recalling the situation he had just as much pity, but then, I begin to think about how spoiled we have been to build our lives and happiness around material possessions and now that it is crumbling for so many – we are going out of our minds.  America, we are allowing the recession to swallow up and deminish faith.

What happened to faith?  What happened to when one door shuts another will open?  What happened to being the keeper of our brother and our sister?  What happened to bartering?  What happened to prayer and the knowing that if God takes care of the birds that eat everyday, why would He not take care of His most brilliant work of art, Us, humans, me and you, you and I?  

This is a call to delight ourselves in the Lord and He will give us the desires of our hearts.  God says in the bible without faith it is impossible to please HIM.   I believe this is the time of God calling us to move our lives forward with only being certain that He that begin a good work will continue until the day of Jesus Christ our Lord.

We’ve come this far by faith, why not release the fear and keep faith as the beacon and the foundation of our life?  It is up to you, who’s report will you believe….?  The three top reasons I believe we don’t want to rely on faith:

1.  It takes the control away from us and leaves it up to the natural occurrence of the universe.

2. It is very uncomfortable and inconvenient.

3.  It means that you have to rely on something that you can’t see or touch which is almost insane.

But I think about my dear Harriet Tubman when she ran away from the plantation with a head condition that caused her to have black outs.  She didn’t have money, she was black, she was a woman, she was a slave, she could not read or write and she had never been off the plantation except to work in the city.  She had nothing but her faith and to follow the path that had been shown to her.

If she could do it – we can do it too even in the recession- recession is not a ugly thing it just means that we have to skin the fat and adjust our minds body and spirit to live off of what is necessary long enough until we can hear the call for the next phase or chapter of our lives.

Two things you can do to stay mentally healthy during this recession and while you are learning to live by faith.

1.  Study the bible so you can get familiar with history and patterns and what people did when famines would come upon the earth.  This is not the first nor will be the last time a famine will come to the land.

2.  Hire a life coach, life coaches have a unique ability to help you see optimistically and help you uncover and reherse those things that can quickly change your quality of life. Life coaches are great accountability partners and cheerleaders.

They that know their God shall be strong and do exploits!  Do you know your God?  If not get a bible and a coach and you can.

Nekisha-Michelle Bakre, MSW
Emotional Wellness Expert & Self-Investment Strategist
Life coach. Seminar speaker. Talk Radio Host.
I am available for all media interviews and request
www.spajamaworks.com or 1-866-268-3411

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Filed under African American and Business, Daily Living, healing, Parents, singles, Uncategorized, women's issues, Youth

Ending the violence against women and girls!

Did you know that 1.3 million women are victims of physical assault by an intimate partner each year?  Not to mention, that most cases of domestic violence are never reported to the police.  Did you know that historically, females have been most often victimized by someone they knew?  Well I have committed to do my part in raising awareness and empowering women to feel good about themselves and reclaim their lives even if they have found themselves the object of someones issue with POWER & CONTROL.

I am doing my part in two ways, first, by telling my story of overcoming years of being victimized and living through child abuse as well as being the punching bag to a former boyfriend.  The story in my opinion is not what I went through but the story is how I turned it all around to be productive and positive as well as prosperous.  Yes, I am speaking of my new book release , Breaking Invisible Chains, Gaining the Confidence to Redesign Your Life.  It is available by going to www.spajamaworks.com/bic.htm

The second way that I am empowering women and raising awareness is by attending The Vagina Monologues in support of the V-Day season.  Eve Ensler started a movement to help women understand their worth by explaining the power of the Vagina!  I love it – being free to talk about The Vagina.  Well I am on my way to DC with Producer Yetta Young and her black celebrity cast to witness the production of The Vagina Monologues.  For more information about attending one of these productions please go to www.inlovewetrusttour.com

I want you to use this blog to tell your story but don’t just tell what you went through…tell how you got through because you never know who needs to hear your battle cry – your personal plan of victory!  I know you have one so please share with us here we need to hear from you.

Until next time,

Keep living vivaciously,

Nekisha-Michelle Bakre, MSW
Emotional Wellness Expert & Self-Investment Strategist

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Filed under African American and Business, Daily Living, healing, Parents, singles, Teens, women's issues