Category Archives: Parents

The Faces of Anger

Written by Nekisha-Michelle

Someone overstepped our boundaries without permission at some point in your life or maybe recently and what you don’t know is when that happened it left an imprint stamped in your soul.  The soul is the place that bundles your mind, will and emotions.  This is also where our personal power is housed, because when the mind, will and emotions are in sync and are at it’s highest good it creates the ability to do anything and your confidence swells.

When your boundaries are crossed without permission the imprint that it leaves on your soul causes your soul to deflate which means your personal power deflates and your confidence deflates.  This deflation leaves a hole or a void and that void is filled with and emotion of  false power and false pride called anger.

What most people don’t know until anger cost you to lose something or keeps you from getting what you desire and deserve is that anger shows up with many faces.  It was anger that cost me an important financial contract, it was anger that landed me 3 days in a county jail and it was anger that caused me to abort several very good relationships.
Some physical faces of anger include:

clenching your jaws or grinding your teeth
stomach ache
increased and rapid heart rate
sweating, especially your palms
feeling hot in the neck/face
shaking or trembling
Emotional faces of anger:

like you want to get away from the situation
sad or depressed
like striking out verbally or physically
Also, you may notice these faces of anger:

rubbing your head
cupping your fist with your other hand
getting sarcastic
losing your sense of humor
acting in an abusive or abrasive manner
craving a drink, a smoke or other substances that relax you
raising your voice
beginning to yell, scream, or cry
When we understand what’s happening in our lives and why- it strengthens character and personal power. When we don’t understand signs, cues and clues it can be detrimental to our lively-hood and overall well being.
If after seeing the faces of anger and you realize that this may be a challenge you are dealing with the first step is to be honest and the second step is to share it with a professional.  The economic times and the inability to get what you want out of life can be dangerous to you and you need support.
Anger leads to STD – Soul Transmitted Dis-Ease called, physical illnesses, mental illnesses, broken relationships and self-destructive habits. 

You can make your life an anger-free zone by:

1. Teaching others how to treat you.  Speak up and defend yourself!
2. Listen to your inner intuition when it tells you something isn’t right about a situation.
3. Forgive and forget whoever crossed those boundaries but do let them know how you feel.
4. Don’t be afraid to admit when you feel alone and out of control – the quicker you share the better off you will be.
5. Understand you are not a failure you are experiencing life and all it offers.

Failing to respond and protect your personal power will open your soul to be a breeding ground for anger to direct your life.  Don’t allow the faces of anger to fuel and define your decisions, your life and your relationships.  You are way more powerful than you are giving yourself credit for. 
Take back your life- anger doesnt’ deserve your time or energy!

WANT TO USE THIS ARTICLE IN YOUR EZINE OR WEB SITE? You can, as long as you include this complete blurb: Life Design Coach Nekisha-Michelle publishes a weekly e-zine with over 5,000 + subscribers. If you are ready to take control of your life and super-size your money and your confidence, get your FREE coaching tips by subscribing to her mailing list at

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When the soul cries!

Article written by Nekisha-Michelle

When the soul cries, we must remember it is a sign that it is impossible to live without the presence and the power of God.  It takes discipline and a personal experience to put God first, so we sometimes lack the direction of how to incorporate divinity in our every day lives.  But the absence of it allows emotional pain and chaos to fester uncontrollably. 
When you put your divinity first you are moving beyond saying I believe in God or a higher power to becoming aligned with your higher self and the higher self only wants to create miracles and opportunities for you to exceed beyond your wildest dreams.  But it does not stop there – your higher self seeks to share with others the lessons, the route and the support so that others can reach their highest self too.  It’s the gift that keeps on giving.
In the hustle and bustle of life we forget who we are and what the true meaning of life is all about.  This article was written to help you reclaim and redefine your divinity because it is that quiet voice on the inside that urges you to make bold moves and the bold “out of the box moves” is what will quiet the crying soul.  Your divinity will provide the direction that will see you safely through the recession, it is the strength that will comfort you through the times when you feel your loneliness and when you are asking “why me?”.  It is the saving grace that will keep your business from going under and your job from being cut.  During times like these we need SUPER with our NATURAL.
Reconnect to the super in  you.   Reconnect to your beliefs.  Reconnect to what matters to you the most.  When you reconnect you will silence the crying soul of confusion, stagnation, disappointment, anger, and shame.  When you reconnect you will find your voice, your way, your personal power to stand! The only way to stop the soul from crying is by reconnecting and honoring who you are, honoring your divinity and partnering without hesitation and doing everything that God is summonsing you to do.  Miracles still happen and they happen through you.  
In the words of Mary Kay Ash – put God first, Family second and Career third!  Watch that soul heal and prosper!

WANT TO USE THIS ARTICLE IN YOUR EZINE OR WEB SITE? You can, as long as you include this complete blurb: Life Design Coach Nekisha-Michelle publishes a weekly e-zine with over 5,000 + subscribers. If you are ready to take control of your life and super-size your money and your confidence, get your FREE coaching tips by subscribing to her mailing list at

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How to be a human magnet and get what you want!

How to be a human magnet and get what you want!

I once had a speaking mentor that kept saying she was going to be on the Oprah show every-time she stepped on the speaking platform.  She was so animated and certain that she was going to be a guest on the Oprah show.  She would share what she visualized that she would be wearing and what she would be doing and I could not help but to say silently inside, “yea right”  we all believe we are going to be on the Oprah show.   Well one year later – I almost fainted because guess what? My mentor ended up on the Oprah show.  Of course I did not get jealous I got curious as to what was the secret ingredient to her being able to go from sharing a vision to actually having that vision materialize is such a powerful and magnetic way?
She believed in the power of Focus.  In Mary Kay Cosmetics they teach the new business owner to Focus – follow one course until successful.  However, I want to share the process of 5 factors of how to focus so that you can become magically magnetic and get what you want.
1. Understand that your subconscious mind is what attracts to you your current circumstances and it is what you don’t know that creates the gap and inconsistency’s in life.
2.   You must rewire you r subconscious mind to expand itself to accept what you really want.
3.  You expand your subconscious mind by making space in your life to receive.
4.  You expand your subconscious by holding a visual image of what you want with the words that describe the visual image near it.   So for example I have a dream board and on my board I have images as well as the words that describe what I want.
5.  You want to meditate on these written and visual images for 21 consecutive days each time you are connecting your logical self(left brain) with your creative & emotional self (right brain).  When the two sides of your brain see the same image and are saying the same thing.   You begin to manifest what you want.

The Secret:   The secret to this FOCUS method working successfully is dependent upon you  being deliberate, certain, passionate about what you are seeing.  After your brain sees this image for 21 days it leaves an imprint on your subconscious stamping TRUE on it.   When your brain sees TRUE or Truth – it begins to create opportunities for validation of what is TRUE!
So what is it that you really want?  More money, love, confidence – you can have it by the simple deliberate action of FOCUS.  Remember, whatever the mind can conceive it will achieve.  As a result you will become a human magnet to your dreams, desires and goals.

WANT TO USE THIS ARTICLE IN YOUR EZINE OR WEB SITE? You can, as long as you include this complete blurb: The worlds favorite Life Strategist Coach Nekisha-Michelle publishes a weekly e-zine with over 5,000 + subscribers.  If you are ready to turn your passion into full-time income or you want to ditch your personal drama so you can reclaim and redefine your life, get your FREE coaching tips by subscribing at
Who is Nekisha-Michelle Bakre, MSW?

Nekisha-Michelle is CEO of Living Vivaciously Consulting, a coaching and consulting company passionate about mentoring women professionals, entertainers and new entrepreneurs around the world on how to take control of their life and embrace the star that they already are. 

While Nekisha-Michelle is best known for Spajamaworks programs where she  coaches women on how to decrease their personal struggle in life with the philosophy of  “reclaim and redefine your life”-her clients say her biggest impact comes from her drive to model to others the power and possibilities of entrepreneurship, living boldly and the ability to continue to live vivaciously despite many of life’s blocks and barriers to personal success.

From a mother at 14 years old and overcoming depression and anxiety challenges, Nekisha-Michelle believes it is imperative to live your life with courage and believe that you are entitled to have all of life’s goodness.

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Life Redesign Assessment

Nekisha-Michelle Bakre -Your Catalyst for a Redesigned Life

Nekisha-Michelle Bakre -Your Catalyst for a Redesigned Life

Sister, you deserve a beautiful and fabulous life! 

 I am Nekisha-Michelle, and I want to help you reclaim and redefine your life so that you can have the confidence, personal resilience & money that you deserve. 

Whether you are a new entrepreneur, thinking of becoming an entrepreneur, stuck in a dissatisfying career, having  challenging times with life as it is – or you just want to learn the simple skills to move your life out of complacency to a life without limits with magical possiblities.  I am here to help you see what’s possible if you dream bigger, with deliberate focus and more often. 

Brian Tracy says, (paraphrased) there is too much in life to learn on your own so why not invest in a mentor /coach and be with those who have mastered specific areas in life.  In other words, get the cliff notes on how to live vivaciously… lol.  Sister, you are worth a beautiful and fabulous life.

I’d like to introduce you to my FREE Life Redesign-Makeover assessment.    When we grow self – we can make everything else in our environment grow. When you complete the assessment it will give you a report card on your life as it is.  It will also give you recommendations to improve!  By taking this assessment you will know if you are living your life by design or by default.

Good luck…I can’t wait to see how fabulous you are!

Nekisha-Michelle Bakre, MSW
Emotional Wellness Expert & Self-Investment Strategist
Life Coach, Author & Talk Radio Host

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We’ve come this far by faith- How to recession proof your faith!

I dedicate this posting to my African-American ancestors that were able to accomplish so much with so little.  When you look at the foundation of their existence and their WHY they had to struggle to make this world in which we live a better place for everyone, it was all about FAITH! 

Faith, a total reliance on something that they could not see but a deep gratifying knowing that it was there and working behind the scenes so that the inner most dreams and desires would be realized.  Today, I think we over complicate faith to the point that we no longer understand it and when we have to rely on faith to get us through day-by-day it causes emotional imbalance and fear.  My husband was sharing with me the other day how a man that he was transporting home was so shaken up and confused because he had lost everything.  He was shaken to the point that my husband had to help him get his key into the door of his home.  At first, pity came upon me and I could tell from the way my husband was recalling the situation he had just as much pity, but then, I begin to think about how spoiled we have been to build our lives and happiness around material possessions and now that it is crumbling for so many – we are going out of our minds.  America, we are allowing the recession to swallow up and deminish faith.

What happened to faith?  What happened to when one door shuts another will open?  What happened to being the keeper of our brother and our sister?  What happened to bartering?  What happened to prayer and the knowing that if God takes care of the birds that eat everyday, why would He not take care of His most brilliant work of art, Us, humans, me and you, you and I?  

This is a call to delight ourselves in the Lord and He will give us the desires of our hearts.  God says in the bible without faith it is impossible to please HIM.   I believe this is the time of God calling us to move our lives forward with only being certain that He that begin a good work will continue until the day of Jesus Christ our Lord.

We’ve come this far by faith, why not release the fear and keep faith as the beacon and the foundation of our life?  It is up to you, who’s report will you believe….?  The three top reasons I believe we don’t want to rely on faith:

1.  It takes the control away from us and leaves it up to the natural occurrence of the universe.

2. It is very uncomfortable and inconvenient.

3.  It means that you have to rely on something that you can’t see or touch which is almost insane.

But I think about my dear Harriet Tubman when she ran away from the plantation with a head condition that caused her to have black outs.  She didn’t have money, she was black, she was a woman, she was a slave, she could not read or write and she had never been off the plantation except to work in the city.  She had nothing but her faith and to follow the path that had been shown to her.

If she could do it – we can do it too even in the recession- recession is not a ugly thing it just means that we have to skin the fat and adjust our minds body and spirit to live off of what is necessary long enough until we can hear the call for the next phase or chapter of our lives.

Two things you can do to stay mentally healthy during this recession and while you are learning to live by faith.

1.  Study the bible so you can get familiar with history and patterns and what people did when famines would come upon the earth.  This is not the first nor will be the last time a famine will come to the land.

2.  Hire a life coach, life coaches have a unique ability to help you see optimistically and help you uncover and reherse those things that can quickly change your quality of life. Life coaches are great accountability partners and cheerleaders.

They that know their God shall be strong and do exploits!  Do you know your God?  If not get a bible and a coach and you can.

Nekisha-Michelle Bakre, MSW
Emotional Wellness Expert & Self-Investment Strategist
Life coach. Seminar speaker. Talk Radio Host.
I am available for all media interviews and request or 1-866-268-3411

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Ending the violence against women and girls!

Did you know that 1.3 million women are victims of physical assault by an intimate partner each year?  Not to mention, that most cases of domestic violence are never reported to the police.  Did you know that historically, females have been most often victimized by someone they knew?  Well I have committed to do my part in raising awareness and empowering women to feel good about themselves and reclaim their lives even if they have found themselves the object of someones issue with POWER & CONTROL.

I am doing my part in two ways, first, by telling my story of overcoming years of being victimized and living through child abuse as well as being the punching bag to a former boyfriend.  The story in my opinion is not what I went through but the story is how I turned it all around to be productive and positive as well as prosperous.  Yes, I am speaking of my new book release , Breaking Invisible Chains, Gaining the Confidence to Redesign Your Life.  It is available by going to

The second way that I am empowering women and raising awareness is by attending The Vagina Monologues in support of the V-Day season.  Eve Ensler started a movement to help women understand their worth by explaining the power of the Vagina!  I love it – being free to talk about The Vagina.  Well I am on my way to DC with Producer Yetta Young and her black celebrity cast to witness the production of The Vagina Monologues.  For more information about attending one of these productions please go to

I want you to use this blog to tell your story but don’t just tell what you went through…tell how you got through because you never know who needs to hear your battle cry – your personal plan of victory!  I know you have one so please share with us here we need to hear from you.

Until next time,

Keep living vivaciously,

Nekisha-Michelle Bakre, MSW
Emotional Wellness Expert & Self-Investment Strategist

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October is Emotional Awareness Month

Are you emotionally balanced?  Do you need some help or support with your finances, love relationships, spirituality quest or career/business?   To do nothing is saying that you are satisfied with pain and you are not willing to allow yourself the freedom of partnership and growth.  Read this release and hopefully tell the truth about what is really going on – inside!   Love always Nekisha-Michelle

<a href=’; target=’_blank’>Press Release: Life Redesign Expert Honors October Emotional Awareness Month</a>

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My silent cry- Nine years and four miscarriages

Rhonda Nwosu will be a guest on my talk show this Thursday, September 25, 2008.  She will talk about her private pain with infertility and miscarriages.   I want to know from you what questions do you have?  How far is too far to go when trying to get pregnant?  What do you do when you’ve waited and waited and still nothing?  If you have a desire to conceive and be a mother or father does it mean that it should happen naturally?  If it doesn’t happen what does it do to your belief and faith and relationship with God?  Please share your feelings on this topic.  All are welcome. 

Talk show:  Living Vivaciously  only on LA Talk Radio  Every Thursday, 4pm PST / 6pm CST / 7pm EST

For more info go to

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Why Am I not married yet?

I have spoken with so many single people who have this record playing in their heads, “I have a successful career, I am attractive, I have tried dating in clubs, at church, on line – I have even been on several blind dates.  None of them seem to be the one and just when I think it is getting close something happens.  The clock is ticking and yet another birthday and I am still not married.  The holidays are quickly approaching and I am still not married.   What does it take?  What am I missing?  Why does it feel like I am last in line?” 

Single ladies and gentlemen please help me understand your views and opinions on why you’re not married!  Tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth!  How do you feel about this?


Homework:   Please tune into Living Vivaciously Talk show  with Nekisha-Michelle this Thursday, September 4, 2008 from 4pm PST / 6pm CST / 7pm EST!

We will discuss from a woman and males perspective Why Am I not married yet?

Nekisha-Michelle is a life redesign expert.  For more information on this author please visit

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Forgive to succeed

Today on my radio program I publicly asked for forgiveness of my mother of whom I have not spoken to for over three years. The why is not as important as the release that it had on my soul and hers.  For the past several weeks, I had guest such as Elon Bomani, Debrena Jackson Gandy and Stacy Banks-Houston as guest experts and they all said that forgiveness is the path we all must take in order to un-block our blessings and all that life has for us.  I asked my guest Sherry Fields what she thought about forgiveness and she said, “it is hard but it is necessary”! 

I want to know from you- what are your feelings about forgiveness and who have you forgiven lately?  Look forward to a talk show all about forgiveness coming soon.  Let’s get free so we can have the courage to be healthy, wealthy and satisfied!  If you did not listen to the July 31, 2008 posting of the show please do. 

Remember, forgiveness is an attitude, emotion and most of all it is ACTION!  Talk to me let’s be free to forgive so we can succeed in life and in business.

Three things forgiveness does:

1. Heals the mind, emotions and body.

2. Increases and enlarges your ability to give and receive.

3. Propels you toward greater destiny.

Nekisha-Michelle Bakre, is a Life Redesign Expert and has a mission of being the “spiritual spa of In-powerment for the inner and outer you.”  Bakre is available for keynote speaking engagements, facilitation of SpaJama W.O.R.K.S. retreats, coaching and media interviews. To learn more about SpaJama W.O.R.K.S. and Living Vivaciously Consulting, visit the Web site at 

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